Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Peace Sign. V
Hi people, this shall be my last post for 2010 so stay tune for my next in the year 2011. :D
So this blog does continue, don't assume it's dead.(Y)
So with that, i shall go now. Mwahaha, it's a random post.:D

Monday, December 27, 2010

It's a new dawn, a new day, a new life.

Time goes by, life changes. A whole new blog, a brand new experience. I have revamped the whole blog. It's like getting new stuffs for new year. So, i will continue to blog eventhough it is obvious that my readers has decrease dramatically over the years. But it will still go on. Get ready.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

You and me, we can rule the world.

Gulliver's Travels.
Mwahaha, here to update some shit, people. Just came back from Vivo after watching Gulliver's Travel with Jiaxiang and Yongle. Yeah, it was fun due to some shit stuffs we do during the whole journey. Leave home at 2.20pm then walked to Lakeside to meet Yongle and waited for Jiaxiang. After that, took train down to Harbourfront, super damn alot of people. Walked into Vivo and start to find way into the cinema. Slack in there cuz super damn alot people inside plus super duper long queue. Yeah, so after awhile, went to buy tickets then the super damn stupid Jiaxiang dk what he thinking said he wanted to watch the 3D one but when he went to the counter he did not tell the person for the 3D tiks.-.- The most stupid part is after getting the tiks, he still thot he brought the 3D one eventhough he went to buy the normal one.-'- Fuck him, jk. :$ LOL. Haha, then slack around the whole area as the movie starts at 7.30pm. Walked around vivo, played at Toy r us then walked to Harbourfont Center to settle my lunch, Mac. Force them to sit with me. :D Afterthat, walked around there then headed back to vivo, slack at outdoor and starts to hear, sing, dance some kpop shit, slacked until like 7 then walked back to cinema. Jiaxiang boughts nachos plus drinks, 7bucks plus so ex.:X Lucky me and yongle smart, nv buy, save $$. $$ is precious. LOL. Hoho, then waited for the time for us to enter the cinema. Wait damn fucking long. And after loooooooonnnnngggg waiting, manage to enter, watched the movie. Yeah, it was kinda nice. After that went to foodcourt pei jiaxiang have his dinner then took his father taxi home with Yongle. The whole journey in the taxi was god damn interesting lor, jiaxiang and his parents keep arguing.(Y)

What sucha (N) post.D: Aiya, dont care lah, ok? I was rushng through this whole shit thats why got alot, "After that" and "yeah". Pls be understanding. Hehe, until then, byes~


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells Jingle all the way.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year~

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Get ready 2011 as we bid goodbye to 2010.

Once a n2, always a n2. LOL

main11. LOL
2010 has been a really interesting year for me. As time goes by, lots of stuff happen and many memories that i won' forget, at least for quite some time. 2010 is year that our class really did bonded thanks to the camp we have gone. The Johor trip and the Labrador camp though we did not participated the camp together for the later one. 2010 is the year where Soccer, LOL my cca had their breakthrough year. We reached to the Nationals eventhough we DO NOT have any proper equipment. We have no proper soccer field, no goalpost no coach no anything except for balls. LOL. Yeah, so we did the unexpected. We are winning games in our own zone only to get complacent when we reached Nationals. So lesson learnt, i guess? 2010 is the year where i have my first. LOL. It was a unforgettable memory and i doubt i can forget this shit in my life. Yeah, i never regretted once, hope you think that do. Mwahaha. What makes 2010 a great year is also i found out that i am a serious lucky boy. The reason is that i did not studied and i promoted. OMG. Imagine if i work hard for this whole year? Skali promote to express. Cheh. Joking. LOL So, my summary of this year is done. Now, time for 2011. Yeah, so hoping it to be a roller coaster ride. I am hoping for alot of stuff. Maybe my everything be better than 2010. (Y)

Christmas is just 2 sleeps away! Mwahaha. :D And, 29th going to buy food for bbq for 30th. Yesh, gonna be fun. :D Life rocks with me around.xD

Don't close your eyes, don't fade away.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I am a Chelsea boy and that is all I'll ever be.

Blue is the colour.
Yay! Too much Shinee recently so let's switch to Chelsea! Yay! The picture nice hor? Yeah i know it is cuz is i make one mah. :$ Eh, must go click and see. See all the words. I think damn freaking nice lor. *Agree with it, pls.* LOLOL.

Mwahaha, that's it. I will post more in the future, now no mood. :D
Zomg, sucha (N) post. Timecheck: 4.01AM. :X

Chelsea FC through and through and we'll keep the blue flags flying high.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make a choice, boy.

Chelsea VS SHINee
Today will be a super shag day. First of all, the day was ruined due to the fact that the game between beloved Chelsea and Retarded United was postponed due to heavy snow. Ok, wtf is that? I have been waiting for this like 98765456789 days ago. And fuck, so nvm the worst is that OMG, I CAN'T WEAR LONG PANTS. ITS SO FUCKING UGLY. I can now straight go 100floor and jump down now.-.-

Mwahaha, so friends has been telling me that i like shinee so much and how abt Chelsea? Err, i can only say nothing can replace Chelsea in my heart. LOL. But don't misunderstood. (Y). So, that should be that. Stay tune. Byes. :D

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Lucifer.


Yay, i love Chelsea and Shinee. LOL.:$ See those two pics?!! OMG, so cute lor.:D Hehe, today stayed at home and watched Music Bank with Dorothy(via msn.). And wtf, why Shinee's Lucifer only 17th?? Eh, damn fuck sia. And why shinee dw use ear mic one? They hold the mic and dance and in the end it turn out super weird. Yeah, they have been using that all along but, why? LOL. And hor, the pro me finally almost know how to dance Lucifer already.(Y) Mwahaha, the nxt few dance i shall learn shall be, Hoot, I'll be back and Hello? Maybe nia. Haha, this sunday shall be epic as Chelsea will face Man Utd. Yesh, hope chelsea can claim all 3pts. Ok, shall go eat my cup noodles now. Byes. :D

Leader Onew, Blingbling Jonghyun, Almighty Key, Flaming Charismatic Minho, Maknae Taemin.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Her Whisper Is The Lucifer.

Loverholic, robotronic.
Yo folks, yeah i know Lucifer is kinda old but i don't care cuz the song so addicting only, everytime make me spam them andandand i think "Hello" listen long very bored. Just keep Hello, hello~ &^%$#$%^ and hor  i suddenly keep listening to Ring Ding Dong again.:$ Yay, Shinee is cool, so pls like it. Oh, it's impossible to hate them so i take it that you like it.:$ Kamsamnida.:P

Yeah, woke up at 11am and meet my sis at causeway point to eat mac.(N). I think i must be crazy, i slept at 5am the previous night and woke up at 11am just for mac.:D Double Mcspicy as usual. After eating walk around then took bus home.(: 

Haha, sucha failed post.:X Can someone teach me how to post? I forgot how the fuck post. All my post is like (N) only. So boring, tasteless.D: And i shall end this shit by wishing Onew a very happy birthday. Have a blast.:D
I am officially a Shinee fan, no doubt about it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The dreams in which i'm dying are the best i ever had.

Yay, i think i am nocturnal cuz during the day, i feel sleepy and during the night i am super active. I think i am an owl.:D Anyways, looking forward to the bbq? Yeah, hope it does happen. Haha. Nowadays was busy sleeping and using com, seriously i have fucking no life but seriously when the fuck training start again? Really can die sia. Bored until feel like staring into blank for the whole day.-.- Kay, crap. Forget it. Is this counted as proper update? I guess so. Ha.:D

It's a very, very mad world.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I will stay awake just to hear you breathing.

Get well soon.

Yo people, life's great? Had been slacking at home for last few weeks, slept at 4am everyday, woke up feeling sleepy but isn't that holiday's life for normal folk like me? Anyways, when is the next training? I lose count and i lose my schedule.:X So, that should be that, i will update again once i have lots to share again. This post is like for me to waste some time only so this post is not fucking relevant.:D Yeah, so stay tuned. Tag and you shall be loved.
Po is super duper cute.:$

Friday, December 3, 2010

Love will find you.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hi people, its 4.35am and i can't sleep, so i am here to crap. Haha, I just found out that i got very, very less post for 2010 and i am freaking lame in the past. Yeah, just found out after reading my old post. Its so fucking disgusting. Yeah, i know i am so random but being random is fun.:D So thats it. Crapping time has ended. PLS TAG AND I WILL LOVE YOU.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Live every act fully, as if it were your last.

Morning met Amsyar at my house busstop then wait for Dhinesh. We was suppose to meet him at 6.45am and it was like 7am already and he did not appear so we just took bus go jurong east. Otw to there, got news frm Haressh that the fucker sick.-.- I think he act only lor, confirm is don't want go the match.:X

Met with rest of the team at Mrt station then took train to CCK and then transfer to LRT and alight at Julapang? Is it? Haha, i not sure.:X Wait for Mr Fadzel outside the station; bought ice milo.

After that, walk to Zhenghua sec. Changed into boots and saw Mr Ramesh. Yeah, our ex-coach. So happy to see him, still as ego as ever. First match which i played as left-back in 1st half and center-mid+defensive-mid during 2nd half. Won 4-1.:$ Haha, nice play by us.:X 2nd match was for seniors, so slack with Jeeva. After match, met up with my sis at Lot 1 then trained down to bukitbatok. Had mac for lunch then took bus home.:D YEAH, THATS IT FOR TODAY. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.(:

Why nowadays, i feel that the grammars in my post sucks?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Time goes by, life goes on.

HELLOBABY~ Yoogeun is cute.:$

How life's?  Isn't Yoogeun cute? OMG, i like he shout that time. Its so cute. Haha, i sounds gay but I DONT GIVE A FUCK! Anyways, next monday, there will be match and seriously i am not interested.:X I prefer training. More fun. But if i pon for the match, i will feel guilty leh, so can't pon.-.- And, i change my song widgets into youtube type already coz i can't stand the glitch around mixpod. Sometime play sometime can't sometimes lag. So, maybe youtube style more stable? Yeah, so that shall be that.:X What am i talking about? Byes:D

Football is all very well as a game for rough girls, but is hardly suitable for delicate boys.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Every breath is harder to believe.

Epic hor. I think i kop the pic somewhere.
Had training today. I think i sleep for 2hours only so i was like fking tired during training. Start off by jogging in the field then had some ball training. Monkey and pass and move exercise. And surprisingly, no circuit so was like shiock.:D After that played match for like OMG, few hrs? Its god damn fucking hard out there and i am like on the verge of exploding.-.- Pls, its really very very very hot. After training, had lunch at Lakeside then walk home with Dhinesh, Haresh and Amsyar. Sigh, next monday have friendly against our ex-coach team and serious speaking, i am not interested.-.- Haha, but who cares? Hope it will be fun(and god, pls stop giving out sucha hot weather.) Yeah. so thats it. Byes.

Put the differences behind us. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beyond Any Limits.

First of all, i should be sleeping now as i have training tmr and now what? 1.35am and i am still on the computer! But seriously, i can't fucking sleep. Any solutions? Haha, i might be rotting at home doing nth thats why i so active. Well, i have nth more to explain so as usual, pls tag. Its very important.:D Bye and nights, oops, i meants morning guys.:D

All around me are familiar faces

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Together We Are One.

Chelsea rocks, pls.
Not here to update my blog but to show how much i love Chelsea FC. Chelsea rocks okay, so dont fuck around.:D Yay, let's cheer together~ CHEERS FOR CHELSEA! Premier League, Champions League, FA Cup, Carling cup here we come! Blue is the colour~

Anyways, can relink de, i already relink liao so if urs is not, then too bad. HA, JK~ TAG  CAN LIAO.
We'll keep the blue flags flying high.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I don't want to miss a thing.

Yo people, hows life? Holidays sucks, seriously but i love training. Its fun. Hehe. And the stupid mac haven't call me yet.-.- Seriously fuck them.-'- CALL ME, CALL ME. Dont put me in this situation.

So looking forward to work and get money man. Dont fuck around, mac. You know i love you so pls love me back. And i guess soon we will have friendly against Zhenghua? Yeah, our ex coach school now.:X Can't lose, if not damn embarrassing.:D

Haha, i have nth to say lah, so shall not waste my time here. People kindly tag my blog and hear my blog song. Stick around baby. Byes.:D

You changed me forever.

Monday, November 8, 2010

M is for Melvin and M is for Mac.

My cap and nametag,
Hi people, yesterday went for trial for mac and i think i got hired! Wooh, cheers people! My dream of have an ipod touch is slowly becoming a reality! Yay! Hoho, anyways the job is quite simple though sometime when you completed your job, you DONT KNOW WTF TO DO. Hope i can be cashier cuz its so fun, like Edmund. Haha.:D

And, i think i born to eat mac, last few days keep eating and now worst, i work in there and i everyday will also eat mac.:X MAC ROCKS MY SOCKS~
Learn the hard way.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Hey people here to update my blog. 4 days not logging in to blogger makes me feel that my blog is dead so here to make it alive. And before i start, i would want to wish all my indian friends, HAPPY DEEPAVALI, YEAH, FESTIVAL OF LIGHT~ :D

And i dont think i have any indian readers so they might not know it, but who cares?I dont care. LOL. And tmr i would be going down to mac for trial. Actually i tmr have mos de but for the sake of extra 50cent i postpone my mos work to next week and see if mac want me or not. If mac want me, i dump mos and vice-versa. Haha. I very shrewd hor? YAY!!

Ok folks, i go watch Adam Lambert performance liao. Byes~

Whole Lotta Love.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The minor fall and the major lift.

Shouldn't have update my blog cuz i have nothing to post about. So what should i do? Sigh, life sucks during holidays BUT tmr have training!:D Hoho, pls faster let me start work cause i want money, money, money!(: And, wenxin please stop being so emo, be strong. LOL.

Okays, crapping in progress. Goodbye folks and pls do tag cause it seems so dead. Please, let us together and make this retarded blog alive. Fully appreciated. So guys, stay tune for my next post.

Tonight will be the night i fall for you again.


Isn't this epic? My holiday life.

Hello people, short post today. Look on top. My holidays plan leh. Nice hor? Haha!:D Today went to find job with jiaxiang and boonpin. Met at Jurong Spring mac but then full so went to kfc but need contract so decided to go JP find.

Took bus to Jp, went to pizza hut but it seems suck so didn't apply and then see mac like so big so we scared later very busy. In the end went mosburger get form but noone bring pen so we was like wtf. After that Kaiwei came, SHE BROUGHT A PEN! Fill in the form then we was discussing where to work and after long, long discussion we decided to work at CityVibe(Clementi) one. Took train down, apply and succeeded! Ate dinner at mos then took train down to lakeside met Lye, Ang and Nigel.

Yeah, i want faster work and faster get pay!! I am so despo for itouch, YES, ITOUCH! Maybe i should stop here cuz this post is all ruin because of me who kept adding ipod here, ipod there in the post. Byes people!:D

You're still the one.

Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm finally getting better. And now I'm picking up the pieces.

Hey people, how's life? Here to update my blog again. Holidays is really fucking bored. I am just staying at home rotting like nobody's business. And anyone interested to work with me at mac or some other fast food restaurant during the holidays?

I think i will work in mac and wish i can start work asap. I NEED CASH TO BUY ITOUCH~ Haha, i have nothing to write about as my mind is totally blank at this very moment. So thats all guys, byes~

Look at the stars, looks how they shine for you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Love Has No Boundaries

Hi people, just came back from camp. Yea, i forgot to update my blog cause i was too tired to remember a thing.:D Camp was kinda bored yet fun. Ok, fuck what am i talking about? Maybe i should say i had great memories for the camp. 3days of fun 2 nights of hardcore-ness.

And everything is over and i never ever will regret of doing so. From the first day i knew you till the day when we stop talking, everything just happen in blink. The feeling is like all the stuffs just happen a while ago. Hope you will really found your true love. Best regards to you.

I LOVE 2N2 AND I WILL ALWAYS MISS ALL OF YOU. Once a N2, always a N2. Hope everyone in 2n2 has a great future. Byes and hope we will stay in contact.:D

Thank you for everything.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Please, dont give up. Belive me.

bye people off to camp. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Jealousy is a disease-causing proof of love.

Oops, sorry i forgot to update my blog. Haha, yesterday was CCA Day, stuck in Art Room and watch some soccer videos and Gladiator. After that went back to class and check CCA points and WTF, i got 9 points only. So pathetic. And after that Ms Neo came in and keep kp us. Seriously wtf is wrong with her? Having menopause arh? NOOB! After that spring cleaning. Then when to training without having lunch cause Ms Neo release us late.

Training was fun, fucking fun. I LOVE IT! Training was quite slack due to the haze and cannot do hardcore type one. Played match, and the pro me won all. After that was some passing training. MONKEY! LOL, i am so retard but someone like it.:$ Byes people!:D

Hey, update your damn blog. Ty.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.

Hola people, updates time!! Hoho, EOY is over and i guess its time that i die and not celebration cuz results=(N). Andand, ytd watch movie with Liqi, Mr&Mrs Ang. Went to Lot1, watched The Child's Eye.

I think that the ghost in the movie is so retarded(like me.) Anyways, after movie, went to Longjohn for Lunch. After that went to Woodlands to slack and Mrt home with Liqi.:D

Kayz, byes people i know that my update is so (N).

Am i a failure to you?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I love her and that’s the beginning of everything.

Hey people, ILOVEMYSWEETHEART! Don't jealous pls. Hehe. lazy to update today so shall do it in pointform, and hor ppl, see below of my twitter widgets!:D

- Had EOY. = GG.
- Went to Library to study.
- Got accuse like shit.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is: love.

Hey, today's maths paper was fucking hardcore which means GG to me. Hehhe, then after school went to JP with Akira to meet Liqi and Dorothy. Decided to study in Library~ After that, we went to mac for lunch, left our bags in library and got fuck up.

When we went back to library saw Mr Soong and Mr Voon. They say we play catching inside which we didn't. Wtf, we was like just go in. They even say the CCTV got our face.-.- Noob of what? Fuck.

Tomorrow onwards will be Science world with Physics and Chemistry. Might, i said might mug for it. Byes people

Shall we hold each others?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today I caught myself smiling for no reason... then I realized I was thinking about you

Hey people, had English paper 2 today. I got the feeling that i will fail it because it seems like i write crap on it. After school, went to mac with liqi♥ and co. Had a great time together. Shall mug for maths ltr at night.:)

i feel so awkward with you. I tried to talk to you but to no avail. i feel so unloved.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Just Want To Love You, Thats All.

Hey, people. You know what? I LOVE KUNGLIQI!
101010, 10:10AM♥

Friday, October 8, 2010

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

Hello, here to update my blog. EOY is coming and i think i am not fucking ready for it. How? God how? I am the type of person tht can't mug de. I might just 崩溃 one hor.

Just now stayed back in school as i wanted to study BUT i went to my beloved field to play soccer and train handball. Hehe, sorry but i just can't mug.:D

2 more days. Pls wait for me!:D

For now, its only 3 times but in the future, i will make sure you get sick of it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.

Hey, i love to talk to my friends. Ahah, just kidding. My blog is to improve my English de so i won't use shortcut as much as possible although i might accidentally type out without me knowing.:X

Just now ate mac and slack tht with Darren's and Jiaxiang. We were like talking about everything lor. From Sports Day to Handball then our Hair then blahblah. I think i am sprinter because i feel that i run very fast.:D

Haha, i want to go study le. Byes people!

hey dont be a noob.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away.

Hello, just now went to JP with Mr&Mrs Ang, Jasmine, Liqi, Jiaxiang, Bonnpin and Joshua. Ate Burger King. Was like damn boring lor. We camped at the Challenger playing XBox and the Apple shop playing macbooks. Kayz, nth le. BB.:D


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?

Just came back HOME! My sweetest place to be in as i can sleep eat ~!@#$%^&*( there! Ahha, just now walk with Jiaxiang to his house cuz he went to cut hair then in the end Dhinesh also want to cut.-.- The stupid hairstylist so hao lian, feel like slapping his face sia.(N)

School lessons was epic-ly bored. I dont know why but it just so suck. Hope EOY faster come and faster go lor. Is like life with Eoy around the corner is so fucked up.-.-

Hehe, i love myself! LOL,i was just being random.


Monday, October 4, 2010

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

Today was such like such a boring day man.-.- Was fucked up by friends like 1938736253948times lor.=.= Lessons was boring and music is epic.:D

After school went to mac then slack there for awhile. After tht go find the chongming. Ahaha, Ang there all got into trouble with someone.(:

I want to watch the stupid highlights le. BB!:D


Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Hearts Like An Open Book For The Whole World To Read

Hi people, just opened my blog after closing it for quite a long time. I have decided to open it cuz the feeling of not having a blog sucks.:D Oh, what shall i post about? LOL, i think i shall post about my recent epic life.(:

Erm, last week had EOY for History, English Paper1 and MT 1&2. I think shld be will pass except for History. Lots of doubts for my answer. Oh, and i am like playing soccer everyday after school.-.- At that rate, i think i will fucking fail my exams man. I guess i shall go study le.

Ok, i was "registered" into my class Handball team. Should be or rather most probably playing goalkeeper because im a pro. I play like some professional fuck.:D Kayz, i know you thinks that too!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello People, i shall MIA frm blogging so i will be back with NEW LINK, NEW BACKGROUND, NEW EVERTHING! A change is gonna come.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Frank Lampard Caricature.
Hello people here to post liao~ Hehe, yesterday went to Jalan Besar Stadium for YOG. Was quite fun though the match is like gradually getting more boring. Haha, and i am like finally can shoot with my laces but may fail when under pressure.:/

And just now played soccer and got alot problems. Aiya, lazy to say out so if wanna know pls ask me. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls with that i shall end my post here. Pls stay tune for the next. Thank you and cheers!XP


Friday, August 20, 2010

Blue is the Colour~

 - Just cut my hair.
  - Sticky rocks!
  - Can't wait for next fixture
  - I love Chelsea FC!

LOL, haha random sia. Lazy to update. So thats it guys! Byes~


Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy 45th Birthday Singapore!

Everyone c'mon lets wish Singapore a very happy 45th birthday!! Haha, LOL. Like i say i will update my blog on Monday so because of my readers, i sacrifice my show to post.:D Erm, not much thing to say cuz weekends is for me to slack! Hehe, shall stop here now to continue my show. Stay tuned~XP


Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Aspire 2 Be.
Oh, its dead. But who cares? Thursday training was fun, Mr Raj and Mr Tan came and played 5-a-side and my team is the CHAMPION!! Woohoo~ LOL.Yesterday had National Day celebration. Went up to stage to get prize cuz i top in English. Zei, nv haolian hor.:X It was quite bored but it okay cuz i sat on chair rather then floor. Haha, wassup with my english today, like so broken de.D: And, after school went KFC with Lye and co. then homed.

Shall stop here. Please tag and visit my YouTube channel! Thank You!XP Stay tune to my next post.(I think it will on next Monday.)(:


Saturday, July 31, 2010

One Team. One Dream.
Hello, here to update again. Actually yesterday wanna post de but too lazy.:X Shall post for the last few days.

Had the last Nationals. Went crazy in the bus. After that, went to lakeside for Dinner then homed!

Actually had Kayaking de but cuz i didn't go for 2 lessons liao due to Nationals so decided not to go. Then, went to Ms Neo remedial, do stupid worksheet then slack at the swing with Mathan, Dhinesh and Yong Le! Haha, Mathan damn guailan sia~

Thursday is damn boring de. So shall not update about it. LOL, actually is i forget what happened.:X

PE was fun, played handball and i became Petr Cech liao keep saving de. Who wanna buy me?? LOL, haha then after school went to mac with the usual then walked home with Dhinesh!

Hehe, finished updating! Do tag ya? Byes~


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nice sky! Taken at Chinese Garden!(: 

So, just came back from Japanese and Chinese Garden for the One Community Walk thing.(: Met Jiaxiang at Mac for breakfast then went to meet others at Lakeside MRT. Walk to Japanese Garden then halfway Yong Le wanna shit.-,- Then waited for him so we were like so late lor. Then reached liao, indeed we were late but in the end we manage to find our ways and we walk finish the thing!! After that, go take goodie bag then slack at the lake there. Jiaxiang, Llewelyn, Jiaquan and Mathan keep throwing stones, dig stuffs and catch fish.-.- And me and Yong Le go see see extra extra. Go facebook for more picture. After that, went to Hawker centre to eat with Jiaxiang, yong le and mathan and then took 98 home!(: Hoho, i updated! Ok, byes!XP


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Oioi! Hello people here to update my blog again(via point form!)

- I cut my hair!:0
- I love my hair!:D
- I am crazy.:@
- All those hawks!:X

Haha, ok lah stop crapping liao. Anyways, relink some people. Tomorrow going to the One Community Walk and i shall meet Jiaxiang at mac tmr! Hope it was fun!!! Yeah, and i kena the speech day thing cuz i top in English. I damn zai sia, i never even paid attention once in English both last year and this year but still can get first! And, i think i got Gold for Napfa! Enough of haolian-ing so bye people!(:


Monday, July 19, 2010

omg, so many things is happening nowadays! Our class fight here fight there.-.- Today is the worst lor. LOL, why i seems so emo.:X

Shall update in point form:
- Ohmygod, i kena the Speech Day thing!
- Lesson is getting boring
- Nationals sucks
- When will my video render finish!! AHH!

Haha, enough of crapping, so stay tune!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

OMG, have nothing much to say nowadays except for SOCCER!! HAHA! LOL. Anyways,

Happy Belated Birthday Natalie Teo a.k.a Noob.

Stay tuned.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yeah, just finish reverting back into classic style for my blog so how it is? Nicer right? LOL, anyways does anyone know wtf is wrong with the twitter widgets? It cant seems to show my tweets.-.-

LOL, gonna watch World Cup Final tonight or you could call it next morning at 2.30am. By HOOK or by CROOK i am so gonna watch it! NO ONE CAN STOP ME! MUAHAHAH!LOL:D So feel quite fkup cuz tmr i have match and scared i not enough rest for tmr due to WC.-.- But who cares? Just watch~. Thats it, bye people! Short and Sweet!XP


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yeah, its me again. Have to update this blog although is quite unknown as had not been updating for a long time. LOL, anyways gonna have Nationals on next Monday, Wednesday and Friday(3 weeks of it.)

Had been playing soccer non stop for the last whole week and now my leg always cramp for nothing. LOL-.- And, i hav serioulsy nothing more to say liao. Haha. Bye~:D


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hi people, had been MIA from blog for a very long time so decided to return to my posting days!! Lazy to type out so shall put it in points form about my recent "life" LOL.

- Has been watching World Cup non stop.
- Starts to love training even more.
- Was into the 20men team for Nationals.
- Played soccer during recess like nobody business.
- Sweat like one mother fker.

Lol, that shall be it! If you happen to see my blog and found out that i am starting to update more please tell others that I AM BACK!:X Ok, changed my blog song to Colourblind by Overtone, nice song man! Haha, byes ppl!(:


Thursday, June 17, 2010

lazy to update.. tyvm.. tsktsk:x

Monday, May 31, 2010


Haha, yesterday was my birthday and was like damn normal. LOL. Very long nvr post liao so decided to do it today. Shall not post much.

- Will not be going training tmr due to Project Aspire Camp.
- Excited for the Johor Trip.

Ok, gtg byes. Tag ya? LOL.(:


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hello people, will not be posting today. I just came here to write:


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Yo people, just relinked some people links. Haha, so pissed by all those people who keep on changing their links.:X Jkjk lah hor, don't get piss.

First of all, i would like to give credits to PPN? I guess thats their name for their efforts on training with me for soccer. LOL. Actually, it was me that train them. I train untill now they like professional players leh so who want to learn? Come find me!!

Trained with, Zoe, Wenxin, Lerfann, Peiwen, Jiayi, Qinya, Jingfang and my assistant: Yongle, some unknown yuanching guys and Siti!(: Oh, i forgot and our maid, LEON!! Haha, leon keep helping us to buy drinks so decided to call him maid!:x Thanks Leon!xD Oh, and after my cruel training with them, they seriously improve like one mother-fker!

So goodluck to PPN(I think so) and ofcuz ourselves for next monday 5-a-side
competition!(: So thats all. Thanks and Cheers!xD


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yeah, today was pretty interesting because the whole day i was like soccer-ing.-.- First was recess then in class keep anyhow kick and after school went to the meeting and then played some match.xD

Haha, today morning nearly late but luckily manage it in time. First 2 periods was literature and i guess that was Ms Triana last lesson with us as then she will bbe migrating to France? LOL. After that, had English and Ms Falilah didn't come so just finish the worksheet and then went for recess!(:

After recess was crazy and i lazy to post so too bad haha. After school played soccer with the same old people then suddenly rain so we were stucking in school.-.- In the mean time, Darren Lye suddenly became crazy then he keep on anyhow keep the ball. Haha, he kick that time damn funny sia.:D

LOL, rushing for time so guess i will stop here bah. Byes peeps!(: Goodluck for next Monday! Man, retarded post for today.:x


Monday, May 17, 2010

Peeps here to post again. Haha.xD Last post was on Saturday so i think it should to update again.(: Fyi, changed my blogsong again to No Surprise by Chris Daughtry. Quite nice sia so please listen it leh.-.-

Today no need to go school because of marking day good but boring. LOL. Yeah, so quite excited for tomorrow school because exam is over then can crap in school. Haha. Anyways, does anyone know the freaking date for the interclass soccer thing?

Umm.. short post but i guess the next post should be longer as got school mah then got more interesting things to talk about so visit my blog more often hor! Byes!(:


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oh hi people, goin to be a very short post for today. Haha, mid-year is finally over and me is now currently slacking like nobody business. Yeah, but still worried for my result.

Lol, yesterday after chemistry test went to mac to eat with the usual one then still quite early so slack at the "rugby" place but in the end they go bully some retard at Jurong Spring. Haha, now currently have 2 retards in out list. CM- CongMing CB- ChinaBeggar.

Look out for those two cuz you when you see them u might get real piss!(: Looking forward for FA CUP Final between Chelsea(Y) and Portsmouth! 9.30pm! Yeah, peeps need to go now! Byees~xD


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello, come to post again! Tomorrow last exam which is Chemistry. Haha, i think i freaking flunk my maths and physic paper lor.:X

Kept eating mac for the last 3 days only today i never eat mac because i go eat kfc. LOL, haha. Felt so guilty today because i accidentally kick the Mathan ball then went burst.:x Is not i want de lor is that my leg too strong then just kick softly jiu spoil liao.:x No lah, actually the ball is like already spoil liao, ok.

Hmm, whats wrong with my english today? Seems like my sentence is very funny one? Lol, who cares? Got to go now because its time to study my dear Chemistry! Seeya peeps!(:


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hello people, yesterday my dad went to buy for me my lappy adapter so now i can finally on my lappy liao. Haha. that means i can update more often!xD

Recently, lessons in school was boring except for yesterday PE. Played soccer with 2n1 people. Shoot over 10 over time but none of them went in but at least i assist.(: Next monday is MYE already and i feel like i just wasted the whole term.-.- Scared i flunk the exam. I think tomorrow i will study like on fk but not forget that tomorrow is the premier league last fixture!

Hehe, that determines if Chelsea will win the title or not!:D Yeah, advertisment here: PSP GAMES FOR SALE, 1 FOR $2 6 FOR: $10. If interested, contact Darren Ang or tag at my blog. His blog will be up soon so stay tune to the blog and of course my post! BYEBYE~(:


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

OMG, time to post again! Haha, this morning nearly late sia. Lucky i walk fast enough. Almost died during literature as it was damn,damn boring. After that suppose to have English but teacher never come so Ms Cheng came.

After that went for recess, 3 periods of maths spent at the library and had a great time doing the maths shit with Darren Ang thought most of the time we were like crapping with each other.:X Haha, so had the stupid chinese after that. The china teacher is pissing me off like one fk sia. She so naggy then teach so slow.-.-

Hehehe, got Geography remedial tomorrow then can go "play" Mr Raj. Anyway, fyi i had change my blog song so check it out! I decided to retake IPU can liao.(: Goodbyes folks!xD


Monday, May 3, 2010

LOL, 23 days since i update my blog. Feel like closing it but like very 可惜 so i decided not to and even 下定决心 to update regularly. Haha.

Had 2.4km test last friday, and it was seriously sucks. I run halfway saw mr raj and then make me can't stop laughing in the end i feel like shitting.-.- Anyways, timing: 12:55. I think i want to retake. Haha, own sit and reach plus shuttle run in class!(: Sit and reach: 55cm, Shuttle run: 9.8:x Not i hao lian hor is i too pro liao:X jkjk.

Thinking of going school tomorrow really sucks man. But MYE is around the corner in fact its actually started. Ok, i will post regularly so stay tune for my next post! Goodbye people!(:


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Great, time to post again. I now currently feel damn fked up. My nose, ear is block and like got a little sore throat. Haha, anyways i got gold for 4x100m final(i know very long liao but i forget to post at that time and i need to hao lian a little=b)

Nowadays, maths lesson is getting very boring. Nearly slept at class but lucky got 1 teacher like to stand behind me and her face very funny so i see already will make me laugh thus awake.

Okay, thats it. I know very short but i now going out to "sao mu". Hoho, Chelsea pure ownager!(: Byes people!xD


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hi people, short post for today as i am using my sister laptop because mine lappy adapter spoil so its impossible to even on it.

So, reach finals for all my event in sports day. 100m, 4x100m and 10 legged race thing. OK, seriously my post damn random. Haha, just change my blogsong to Whataya Want From Me by Adam Lambert. Listen before leaving!

Nice one, i finish posting so got to go. Byes!(: Remember to listen to the sond and tag before leaving! Thanks and Cheers!xD

Yours Truly,

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Oh, hello! Can i say that it has been 2 months since i log in to blogger! Haha, sorry again. Anyways, my lappy is fixed! Its like 4 months since it is spoils. Short post for today because of my lazy hands don't want to type!=b

Recently, had soccer tournament. Played 6, win 5, lost 1. Great achievement but still have 3 games to go. Currently lying 2nd on the tables. Most likely can reach semi-final! Another good news is that my class the 10 legged race thing qualify to the finals so can compete on the actual day. Gonna train evvry Wednesday cuz our opponents freaking hardcore.

Haha, lazy to post anymore. So folks, byes. Thank and Cheers!(:


Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hi people, here to post again. Soccer competitions will start next Tuesday. Hope i will be the Full-backs. Oh anyways, i felt that my blog is dead so here to update or rather revive this blog. Haha!(:

Thursday training was tough and tiring but it was fun. 2.30pm - 6.30pm under the hot scorching sun. Seriously hope we can prove to people that we are a team. Yesterday, had Chemistry for the first period. Felt like sleeping but Mr Yee keep scolding people. Bare till PE. Went for run, start last, finish top:x Haha, joking then after that slacked at the Fitness Corner. Did the standing broad jump, and i found out i keep stucking at 205 cm. But got one time i jump until 210+.

After PE, went for recess ate the yummy prawn noodles and my Trademark HL Milk.(: Went back to class for Chinese. Did the crap debate stuffs then i am the time-keeper. Those people are so freaking moron, idiot.-.- After that had Geography learn the new chapter then had English. File all our worksheets then is reading period. Read the Taking Off, Glenn Hoddle story about David Beckham.

After school, went to computer lab then played soccer and basketball. Rock at one but suck at one?-.- Hehe, after that took bus home then my whole leg when freaking numb because the whole week i was like running non stop.

So just change my blog song again to, "Home Sweet Home" by Carrie Underwood. Yeah, finish updating so wish me goodluck next week! People, i think i shall go now because i feel like updating my twitter status. Goodbyes folk!(:

Yours Truly,

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hello! Billions, billions years ago since i actually log in to blogger. I don't know why but i feel damn lazy to even log in blogger. My damn computer connection suck and keep disconnected.-.- Hmph, so where shall i start?

Haha, shall start saying today only because i am lazy! First 2 periods had the project work. As usual, was so pissed by my so "innocent' members. After that had English then went for recess. Finish my maths homework in class then Mr Soong suddenly in class. Lucky i was going to get out the class so walk down to canteen for food!(: Went back to class for maths then i was like half-sleep during the lesson but manage to stay awake although i suddenly stare into blank for nothing. Haha, after that had Geography. Had test, was kinda difficult but can count as easy.-.- Finish the paper for like around 15-20 mins then slept through the whole lesson. After that had Drama. Did the scapebook thing then i found out that my drawings were actually so cute!(: Moving around the whole classroom like nobody's business. After school, went to 7-11 with Kevin and took bus home together. He was getting gay-er and gay-er each time i sees him.

So i guess thats it for now. Tomorrow have training so i don't think i have time to update tomorrow. Hope it will be a fine day tomorrow. People, tag my blog because it is dying! So continue to visit my blog! Goodbyes! Thanks and Cheers.XP

Yours Truly,

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hello, sorry for locking my blog. I found out that my blogskin is destroy so i had to lock it and edit. Sorry again!(: Today was boring as there are no training): Bored like shit, okay?

Morning had mass run, did not really run as my damn hamstring was freaking hurt. After that went back to class for English. It was like starting to getting more fun because of Mdm Yeo fashion sense:x After that had recess ate the noodle at the new stall. Quite delicious to me, maybe hawker center standard? Ahaha, so after that went to buy orange and pick file then go back class for physics. I think that i will flunk my physics because i seriously don't understand a shit! HAHA, will try to catch up. After that had Chinese, went to another class then the lesson was so bored that i think nobody were listening. The teacher was like a student and i doubt she don't know what she was talking about.

After that had Home Econs, was laughing like hell that Ms Chew keep looking at us. Copy the worksheet thing then went to 7-11 with Yong Le to buy drink then walk back to school with him and Jeff. Slack awhile then walk to bus stop then took bus home?-.-

Hope that Training were to resume next Tuesday! Just change the Twitter widgets and the blog song so please hear it and give comment before leaving!(: So people, please tag! I shall go tweet now so goodbye folks!XP

Yours Truly,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Training Simply Rocks

Hello, here to update my blog again! Yesterday's training simply rocks my socks! Mr Fadzel and Mr Raj became our new coaches then have new juniors. They seems weak in fitness? Most likely so. They kept complaining tired but can't blame them. Haha.

Today morning went to table tennis corner as i am quite early then played awhile, damn awhile of table tennis then went to assemble at the quadrangle? After that went to computer lab to use the PC tablets then Miss Neo go change me to a noob group(I pro, thats why). So freaking pissed. They all relly damn nerd for goodness sake. One of them even use the PC tablets pen on the cursor-.- They seems like they did not touch computers before. God damn pissed then so just heck care it then went back to class for spelling and quiz. Spelling was easy pizzie then teh quiz was quite o, i guess?

Went for recess then go back for maths. Nowadays maths were boring but PEOPLE you know what? I am not in the Maths Remedial! Oh man, i can attend training! Haha, poor Darren Lye got into the remedial, guess he would miss loads of training! After maths had Geography then had 3 periods of Drama. Do the scrapebook thing then went to 7-11 and buy drinks. After that took bus home!(:

Yes! Finish! Haha, anyways i had just change the link for the 2N2 blog so be sure to relink! i think the new blog banner will be up soon as i am lazy to upload those pictures-.- Just reached, Grandmaster in MH so its getting really bored. Sigh, my computer connection is still not"ready" yet-.- I think shall stop now so tag my blog and goodbye people!XP

Yours Truly,

Monday, January 11, 2010


Hello people, was so unlucky today but who cares? Training starts tomorrow and hope it will be fun? I don't know why but i am excited about it, Haha(:

Morning, took bus to school then walk to table tennis corner. First 2 periods, had English, draw the crap human being which do not look like it then had Physics for one period. After that went for recess then had 2 period of Geography, was damn boring and was half-sleep mode during the lesson. Stay awake then had 2 periods of Chemistry it was funny but Mr Yee went superb high and crazy too.

Went for 2 periods of assembly about PW in the hall. It was freaking, super, god damn bored. Was kinda sleeping in the hall then went to find Mr Fadzel with Wei Heng after school. I was damn unlucky as i was caught by Mr Soong for my hair and socks but i was like going home already-.- The worst is that if i never follow with Wei Heng to find Mr Fadzel i wouldn't be caught. Was damn pissed and i got to cut my hair now. For you info, i just cut my hair last week-.-

Haha, feels like sleeping now so shall stop posting here but anyway i think i have not much thing to post already. So people, do you think my new blogskin is nice? Just changed it together with the song. So follow me in twitter if you have one and people goodbye and seeya!XP

Yours Truly,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

Hello everyone! Ok, i know i am late for 6 days by welcoming 2010 but i am just too lazy to updaye=b Haha, anyways using my sister computer because my computer can't connect the damn computer-.-

So school were kinda fun and the teachers were okay except that Miss Loh never teach me Chinese already): Ahaha, just joking. Today were fun, nearly late for school due to the bad freakish weather. Took taxi to school then went up to classroom for temperature taking. After that went down to foyer for mass run but we did not do anything then return to class already-.- Had 2 periods of English which were kinda "smooth" then had recess.

After that, When back for 2 periods of chinese but teacher did not come so me and Benjamin were laming around. HAHA. After chinese, had Physics which were quite okay for the fact that the teacher were good! Last 3 periods had Home Econs, laugh like hell for the whole lesson then do the test/quiz. After school, follow Darren Lye, Llewelyn to find Miss Chew for their Dragonboat stuff then took bus home(:

Hahah, fun updating! It was a quick one as i am using my sister computer and i think i could not update much in the future unless the connection goes back to normal. Tomorrow have PE, hope it will be fun? So people guess i shall leave now. Goodbye People(: Seeya!XP

Yours Truly,